Intercessions for the Feast of SS Philip and James (1 May)

Today the church celebrates the lives of the apostles Philip and James. They share a saints’ day simply because the church in which their relics were was dedicated in Rome on this day in the year 560. Philip was the spokesperson among the apostles, often asking Jesus questions about who he was. He was also the one who brought his friend Nathanael to Jesus. James the son of Alphaeus is sometimes known as James the less (poor guy) to differentiate him from the other apostle James who was bishop of Jerusalem.
Ballylooby Church of Our Lady and St. Kieran Nave South Window 03 SS. Phillip and James the Lesser 2012 09 08

Today I’m leading choral evensong for the first time at our college chapel of St Mary the Less.

Here is the collect for today (BCP):

O almighty God, whom truly to know is everlasting life; Grant us perfectly to know thy Son Jesus Christ to be the way, the truth, and the life; that, following the steps of thy holy Apostles, Saint Philip and Saint James, we may stedfastly walk in the way that leadeth to eternal life; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord.


Below are the intercessions I have written.


Let us come confidently before our loving father with our prayers and petitions.

As we remember the apostles Philip and James we are reminded that God calls us all and sends us out into the world to be his hands and his feet. We thank you Jesus for the tasks you have entrusted to us. Help us each day to become more aware of our calling to serve you.

Lord in your mercy – hear our prayer

We pray for the needs of the world, remembering particularly those parts of the world where people live in daily fear of violence and oppression. We call to mind those parts of the world particularly on our hearts today.

Lord in your mercy – hear our prayer

We remember that Philip opened the scriptures to the Ethiopian eunuch helping to bring him to Christ. We thank you father for our teachers, those who teach our academic subjects and our brothers and sisters who teach us the faith. We pray for ourselves and students and tutors in St John’s college and across the university at this time of exams and assessments. We lift our anxiety and the anxiety of others to you and ask for your peace to dwell in our hearts.

Lord in your mercy – hear our prayer

We thank you for the apostle James and the hidden and unknown work he did in service of the gospel. We thank you for those who have an impact on our lives who work without our knowledge for our wellbeing. We pray for all those who dedicate their lives to the service of others.

Lord in your mercy – hear our prayer

In a moment’s quiet we call to mind those who are suffering in body, mind or spirit…be present to these people in your power Lord Jesus and bring your healing and peace.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers, for the sake of your son, our saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.


  1. Thank you very much Bryony, this is helping me put together a Family Service! Regarding one bit of the intercessions – I suspect that Philip the Apostle and Philip the Evangelist may not necessarily be the same people. Every good wish, James


    • You’re probably right about that James, I wrote these ages ago, obviously didn’t do my research properly. Still, both Philips rock!


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